Abba Father

Abba Father

Genesis 22

God not being referred to as father
Ps 68:5

Pray our Father
Type of prayer was foreign in the OT
Did not know God as Father
God not known as keeper, protector, or spoiler of his children
In OT God was judge, gave commandments

Ps 89:12
Cry unto me; Christ Jesus cried out unto God the Father

John 10:17
Father loves Jesus because Jesus gave his life to fulfill the will of the Father
If you can not stop doing some of the stuff you are doing then you do not know your father
Jesus paid the ultimate price because Jesus knew who His Father is

Keep the commandments of God
Shows that you are following will of God and that you love God
You can't love God if you don't know who God is

John 14:31
Jesus gave his life to show his love of God the Father
What are you willing to give?
There should be no limit to doing what God asks us to do

Mark 14:36
Abba Father, all things are possible
God is not a God that allows talk back, you to disrespect him and he not rebuke you,
When you love God you will follow His voice,

Rom 8:15
Law of the OT was considered bondage, but in Christ all the love you didn’t get, all the voids missing will endear you to God

Spirit of adoption
Children wait in orphanages to be adopted
Believers are adopted, not based on our looks, works, the good we did, but because Jesus vouches for all of us, Jesus brings us before the Father as His brothers and sisters, by adoption

Gal 4:6
Sent forth the Spirit of Christ Jesus

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