Jesus Will Return And Billy Graham Asks If We're Ready

Jesus will return, and Billy Graham asks if we’re ready. 

Influential, iconic, and sincere were the words used to describe Billy Graham when he was preaching. He felt the weight of leading souls to Christ. He also felt the weight of reminding others who had grown complacent in their walk with God to remind them Christ was indeed coming again. 

He often said, "The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ will return one day, just as surely as He rose from the dead." Billy Graham reminds us if we have hope in Christ’s return, it should impact how we live our lives. We should be living in such a way that Jesus does return. We will be ready to go home with him. Sometimes living for Christ feels elusive. We dont feel the peace and victory that others seem to experience. 2 Peter 1:3 is a key verse, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

The Good Book reminds us we are equipped with heavenly resources that enable us to live a godly life. Instead of trying to live for Jesus, we need to let Christ live through us, and we can depend on God’s supernatural power to help us because we cannot do it ourselves. 

Billy Graham preached, “If the Bible teaches anything, it teaches that Jesus Christ is coming back again. The coming of Christ will be a time of judgement. But for the true believer, it will be a time of joy and gladness, and happiness and reunion and heaven.” 

He also warned, “You have a choice which world you’re going to live in.” Jesus went to prepare a place for each of us in his house, and if he is going to prepare a place for us, he will one day return and bring us home. Heaven forbid we are called home before we are ready. May we take a moment to reflect on Billy’s powerful reminder to get right with God today. May we remember God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit and guide our hearts so that we may allow Jesus to live through us. 

“I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going,” John 14:3

Source: billygraham

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A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12

If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption

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