The Enneagram of Personality

The Enneagram of Personality

Logan Jones

About The Enneagram of Personality

The Enneagram is a personality system, and a dynamic psycho-spiritual map that is most useful in exploring, as Chris Heuertz puts it, “Who we are, How we got lost and how we might find our way back home to the God of love and our true identity” (in Christ). In this podcast, we'll look at each Type and help listeners determine their type, where we see different types in the Bible and what spiritual growth looks like in each type.

Meet your Host

Logan Jones

Logan helps individuals, couples, families and professionals obtain accelerated growth and transformation by using the Enneagram as a catalyst.

Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Help Us through the Cold, Dark Nights of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 16

So how do we escape the darkness when feeling low? The following are five ways to chase it away.

Read Today's Devotional

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