Comedy Videos
Large Cat Chooses the Funniest Place for a Nap
Comedian's Hilarious Parody Song About Putting on Pounds
Brad Stine’s Hysterical Take on Adam Naming the Animals is Pure Gold
Hilarious Video Gives Husbands Ways To Determine If Their Wives Are Upset
Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Cultivate a Heart of Forgiveness - Your Daily Prayer - October 6
Receiving forgiveness for ourselves softens the hardness of our hearts that unforgiveness creates within us. It’s the key to cultivating it for those around us.
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Comedy Videos
Watch your favorite Christian comedies online including the popular Tim Hawkins, Jeanne Roberton, the Skit Guys, Bill Cosby and more clean, safe comedians for your family! Upload videos that you find funny and want to share with our audience. These comedy videos will be sure to give you a laugh today and put a smile on your face!
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