Inspiring Baptism Scene From ‘Jesus Revolution’

Inspiring Baptism Scene From ‘Jesus Revolution’

John 3:16 tells us that God sent his son into the world so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. People must ask Christ for forgiveness before experiencing the gift of everlasting life. 

A scene from the new film “Jesus Revolution” happens as dozens of people stand and cheer on a beach, watching as others are baptized in the ocean. The scene begins with a woman leading a man through the crowd on the beach by hand.

They both stand momentarily and watch. The man is obviously nervous as he watches others make public declarations for Christ. The female in the scene then walks out into the ocean to one of the men baptizing people.

The man standing in the ocean, played by Kelsey Grammer, can be heard asking her whether she has accepted Christ as her personal lord and savior. She answers in the affirmative and is then baptized. 

Next, even though he is still full of nerves, the man walks out into the ocean, reaching one of the men who is baptizing. Prior to being baptized, he asks Christ for forgiveness and accepts Him into his heart. 

As he goes into the water, he stays underneath for several moments, signifying that the old self has died off and that he is now a new creation in Christ. 

It’s a powerful scene showing people professing Christ as their personal lord and savior. Others commenting on the video on YouTube stated they were overcome with emotion when viewing the scene.

“I tried my hardest not to cry, I cried, that was so beautiful,” one person wrote.

“This scene makes me cry every time, for the back story of pain and doubt and broken trust that led Greg to this moment,” a second person posted.

“The most powerful 4 and a half minutes in cinematic history. I know because I was there. I and others could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit on the beach that day. I will never forget it,” a third person added.

Acts 22:16 “Now why do you wait? Arise, be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.”

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