'Pixar Popcorn' Official Trailer Revisits Our Favorite Disney Stories

'Pixar Popcorn' Official Trailer Revisits Our Favorite Disney Stories

Your favorite Disney characters return to Disney+ with “Pixar Popcorn,” a compilation of short stories from animated feature films. Starting on January 22nd, 10 mini-shorts will arrive on the streaming platform featuring characters from “Toy Story,”

“Finding Nemo,” “Cars,” “Coco,” “Soul,” and “The Incredibles.” This incredible idea all came about during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of people all across the world were quarantined, including some Pixar animators.

Since many of these brilliant minds were between films, executives asked if they would try working on shorts featuring iconic Pixar characters and scenes. In an expedited process, one hundred animators rose to the call and divided into 10 different teams, lead by their own director.

These teams each pitched an idea that became one of the 10 Pixar Popcorn shorts. But because of the shortened process, there was no time to record new audio dialogue. That means that many of these shorts have little dialogue and they are only a few minutes long. But the results were absolutely amazing.

Producer Maureen Giblin shared the benefits of this unique production with Polygon. “People have a lot of fun on the shorts because it gives them an opportunity to play a bigger role than they may have on a feature. This is a chance for them to come up with their own story that they want to tell with these characters.”

From Buzz and Woody to our favorite super hero family, there is sure to be a Pixar short that your whole crew will enjoy!

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