Jeff Foxworthy Shares Powerful Message: 'Do Not Be Ashamed Of The Name Of Jesus Christ'

Legendary comedian Jeff Foxworthy spoke in front of a large crowd and shared a powerful message about not being ashamed of the Gospel or the name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ can take anything and everything and make something beautiful out of it. It could be the worst situation imaginable, and God can use it for good and the building of the Kingdom. Or it could be a seemingly insignificant, hilariously awkward speaking engagement that can be used to change the lives of others. 

In a clip posted on social media, Jeff mentioned how he was invited to speak at a wild game dinner in his home state of Georgia. Jeff told a friend of his that, for some reason, he believed God was calling him to speak at that event. 

When Jeff got there, it wasn’t exactly what he expected. He made a startling discovery. There was no stage, light or microphone at what turned out to be a goat rope. But thousands of people did show up to hear Jeff speak. 

So, on a makeshift stage, Jeff did some comedy and then talked about Jesus Christ. Years later, God revealed to Jeff how his appearance at the odd gathering made a difference in someone’s life.

While at church, one man informed Jeff that he had attended that event and gave his life to Jesus Christ that night. 

Jeff encouraged the audience to listen to God whenever He speaks to us, pushing us to act and do something for Him.

“So, whatever it is you do in your life, be bold for Him,” Jeff said. “Do not be ashamed of the name of Jesus Christ because He is our only hope.” 

Jeff added that we must be bold for Him because there is a lost and dying world that needs to hear about the love, grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone that believes; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

Source: Jeff Foxworthy

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A Prayer for a Pure Heart to Pursue God - Your Daily Prayer - February 13 

When I have a pure heart, I more easily see God. With a pure heart, I more easily delight in the Lord. With a pure heart, I more easily see His heart.

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