Let Me Upgrade You Baby!

Let Me Upgrade You Baby!

So I’m sitting at home on a Sunday afternoon watching some football with my son when this commercial comes on with BEYONCE slithering across the screen saying, “Let me upgrade you baby…” I’m sure you’ve seen this already right? Well in the middle of this commercial my son looks at me and says, “What does she mean ‘let me upgrade you’ dad?” (Pause) And I’ve got to be honest, I had to stop and think before I responded, because although the commercial was advertising HD TV, I know what they really meant! !@$, @@%, !@@$@…it’s everywhere! Especially in commercials these days. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not some prude or anything like that, but when I sit down to watch a football game, I don’t want to have to worry about explaining all the SOFT PORN in the commercials to my son!

What’s the deal with that anyway?

People really seem to be looking for something in our world these days! And advertisers know it, so they use whatever methods they can to get people to tune in for a few seconds longer and watch their commercials so they can sell more stuff.

But I wonder what’s really behind it all…I think I can make a pretty good guess. I think there’s a ton of lonely people in our world looking for something more. They’ve tried a lot of different things to fill that emptiness they feel inside: DRUGS, PORN, ALCOHOL, BUSYNESS, but nothing ever works and they feel more empty than they’ve ever felt before.

The only thing I’ve found that really works to fill the emptiness in my heart is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I’m not talking about going to church or religion or anything like that. I’m talking about a friendship with the God of the Universe through His Son Jesus Christ. He gives my life meaning and helps me through all the tou

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