How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse on 11-17-19

How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse on 11-17-19

Storms are coming.  Matthew 7:24-27, John 15:5

Survival Mode

Love  Matthew 5:43-45
Forgiveness  Matthew 6:14-15
Generosity  Matthew 6:19-21
Faith  Matthew 6:31-34

Tower Defense - Luke 6:20-21

How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Have an active faith in Christ that is YOUR OWN!
Dig into scripture and find out what it says!
Spend time with other Christ Followers!
Spend time with People who are not Christ Follower's!
Listen to God's voice!
Build your faith through the works that He calls you too!
How To Get Eaten In A Zombie Apocalypse

Rely on the faith of others!
Limit your exposure to scripture to Sunday and maybe Wednesday!
Spend time with people who are just like us!
Shut our doors and our hearts to others!
Talk at God!
Work only at temporal things!

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