Elizabeth George full video

Elizabeth George full video

Trusted Bible teacher Elizabeth George has dedicated her life to guiding women into a closer walk with God and a deeper understanding of His Word. Elizabeth is the bestselling author of more than 60 books, study guides, and Bible studies. Her signature title, A Woman After God's Own Heart®, has sold more than 950,000 copies. She is also the author of the popular Woman After God's Own Heart® Bible study series. Designed with women's busy lifestyles in mind, this series guides readers step-by-step through the Scriptures in just 15 minutes a day. Elizabeth has also penned several bestselling and award-winning books for young women and teens, including A Young Woman After God's Own Heart, A Young Woman's Walk with God, and A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices. A mother and a grandmother, Elizabeth has a special place in her heart for little ones, which is reflected in her several popular titles for children. Active in ministry for more than 30 years, Elizabeth delights in addressing audiences at a wide variety of events across the country and around the world. Each time she steps up to the podium, her thoughtful and personal style makes listeners feel that she is personally mentoring them in the greatest aspiration they could ever pursue-to become women after God's own heart. For more information, visit Elizabeth on the web at www.ElizabethGeorge.com.

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