A Cappella Men’s Choir Performs Stunning Rendition of ‘Hallelujah’

A group of gifted vocalists displayed their musical talents with a remarkable cover of a beloved classic from the 1980s, Leonard Cohen’s hit “Hallelujah.”

There are dozens and dozens of instruments that man has created. They are used to create pleasant and pleasing sounds, making for an enjoyable experience. On the other hand, these same instruments, designed and constructed by man, can also make for some lousy and even disturbing sounds. 

But the one created by God Himself is easily the most beautiful. The human voice can move an entire stadium full of people, bringing tears to their eyes. The human voice is the instrument The Virginia Gentlemen used when they gave an outstanding rendition of the song “Hallelujah.”

Approximately two dozen men, standing on risers at the back of the stage, provide the background music throughout the performance. Seconds into the 4-and-a-half-minute clip, one man steps forward from the crowd and sings nearly the entire song solo. A second man does step forward, singing for a bit, at different moments in the clip. 

“Now, I’ve heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don’t really care for music, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth”

At the end of their inspired performance, the entire auditorium erupts with a thunderous round of applause and cheers. 

The Virginia Gentlemen, according to their YouTube channel, is the “oldest a cappella group at the University of Virginia.” 

In addition to being a group that has been around for some time, they have put on performances in front of thousands of people all over the world, including in Australia and China. They have also sung in front of dignitaries such as former U.S. President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and the former governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell.

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”


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A Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Laziness - Your Daily Prayer - October 23

The temptation to be lazy is ever-present. Just like any sin, laziness is exchanging long-term benefits for partaking in temporary pleasure. It is a seemingly easy road, but it leads to consequences.

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