Will I Make The Rapture?

Will I Make The Rapture?

ill I Make the Rapture?

I have noticed a tendency for the Rapture videos we’ve posted to get more views than the teachings having to do with virtue. And for those who wonder “Why is she teaching on virtue when the Lord is coming any day now?”

The answers are very simple.

One: The Lord has asked me to post the five very long videos I just put up in the series, ‘Quenching the Spirit of God’ on the playlist “Bride of Christ, Does Your Life Measure Up?”

Two: I am hoping that we will all recognize the sins that still remain in our lives, the stains and blemishes, and repent while there is yet time. Every single day, the Lord Jesus has exposed new sins I did not recognize, people I need to forgive from the heart, and good deeds I should have done but was too lazy to do. Every day I am repenting and asking for the grace to change. This is the beautiful thing about the Rapture. When the Lord warned of the Rapture He put a ‘auto-pay’ provision in our Heavenly bank account, “Everyday, examine your walk, because today could be THE day.” And for 2,000 years Christians have been taking that to heart and keeping a close watch over themselves. Now we know the day is at hand because all the prophecies have been fulfilled that set the stage for the Rapture.

In this short message, the sad truth is, many, many, many, will be left behind. What I am hoping for, and what I believe the Lord is hoping for too, is last minute repentance from luke warmness to deep, stinging repentance that will qualify them for the Rapture. As soon as those sins are recognized and repented of, the Blood of Jesus wipes away every stain on our wedding garments. Our contrition moves God’s heart to clothe us in Mercy and Grace so we may be taken.

Very honestly, every single time I make a video, I learn more things about myself that I need to repent of. I don’t believe I will ever be without spot, wrinkle or blemish, but I do believ

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