The Sin of Prayerlessness, Part 29 (The Prayer Motivator Devotional #498)

The Sin of Prayerlessness, Part 29 (The Prayer Motivator Devotional #498)

Our prayer motivator verse for today is Psalm 35:13 which reads: "But as for me, when they [my enemies] were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom."

My personal encouragement today is this: No matter how long it takes to pray, no matter how difficult it is to pray, praying to God is the most important thing you can do in your day. It should be the #1 priority above everything else you have to do.

Our prayer motivator quote today is from Andrew Bonar. He said: "One of the gravest perils which besets the ministry is a restless scattering of energies over an amazing multiplicity of interests which leaves no margin of time and of strength for receptive and absorbing communion with God."

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