How precious the blood

How precious the blood

A song/poem about redemption, and salvation in ChristHow Precious The Blood<br />

<br />
How precious the blood that flowed from His brow<br />
From His side, His hands, His feet<br />
And for all of lost mankind it flows even now<br />
Thus making redemption complete.<br />
<br />
No good works nor money, nor self-righteous acts<br />
Can cleanse you or ever repay<br />
For plainly it&acirc;��s written, and these are the facts<br />
Redemption&acirc;��s yet offered today.<br />
<br />
Repent and be baptized in Christ&acirc;��s saving name<br />
The gift of the Spirit receive<br />
And know then that for certain, when He comes again<br />
At His calling, believers will leave.<br />
<br />
To be caught away, with now sleeping Saints<br />
Transformed and translated we&acirc;��ll be<br />
The whole earth now groans, and patiently waits<br />
For our Yesu who died on the tree.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Yes, how precious the blood that flowed from His brow<br />
From His side, His hands, and His feet<br />
And for all lost mankind it flows even now <br />
Thus making redemption complete.<br />
<br />
By Bud Kraus

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