We are more than one thing! This video provides valuable insights!

We are more than one thing! This video provides valuable insights!

This video is from the series, “Red and White Blood Cells”! Part 1. (See link below)

1. Every believer is a red blood cell within the body of Christ. (One drop)

2. Every congregation is one vein in the body of Christ. (Likewise for families and ministries)

3. Within each vein, flow the life of Jesus and nourish the body of Christ.

4. Every believer is a white blood cell. (One drop)

5. Every believer can and should function as a red and white blood cell.

6. If we think we are only one thing we will not do the other things God says we are.

7. We need to know who we are to know what to do. Our identity removes confusion.

8. During the day as we flow with the Holy Spirit, we can tell which cell we are.

Thank you for watching, learning, and applying God’s word.



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