The Rulership of The Kingdom of God

The Rulership of The Kingdom of God

What is Kingdom Advancement?

You know there are many churches that go on what is called Christian retreats. These are church groups taking time to go to the mountains of Pennsylvania or wherever for an opportunity to get away from the day to day hustle and bustle and spend special time with God. We call these special times retreats. Its a pulling back or retreating away from day to day life and taking time to give my spirit special attention through fellowship, instruction in the word and recreation, usually over the course of a weekend. Once the weekend is over we go back to the day to day hustle and bustle until the next retreat is announced in the church bulletin. Hopefully what was learned during the retreat weekend will invigorate us to keep moving forward in the plans and purposes God has for us. There is nothing wrong with the word retreat in and of itself. The word retreat primarily represents a church sponsored weekend spent with the Lord. But, the kingdom of God never retreats it only advances.

God wants to give you an attitude of advancing, pursuing and taking over all. The kingdom of God does not retreat, it only advances. But what does it really mean to advance the kingdom of God? Advancing the kingdom of God first takes place in each of us as Believers as we allow the Sovereign rulership of God to impact and takeover every area of our life, personality and purpose. When we acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and we don't lean to our own understanding, doing whatever it is that God has created us for, acting on the word of God daily, we are advancing the kingdom of God, first in us.

One of the word definitions for kingdom in the Old Testament is the word mamlakak which means dominion. It is the same word God used when He told man to be fruitful, and multiply, replenish the earth and have dominion or kingdom. The first thing God gave you after creation was kingdom or dominion. He gave you the right to dominate your environment

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