God's Independence Day

God's Independence Day

God given rights.

A sabbatical year. Every 7 years: couldn't do anything to the land you had to leave it fallow.

7 sabbatical years, everyone was released from their debt. If you own land and needed some money you would still be released from your debt.

September 13 2015 is the end of the Sabbatical year and also the beginning of Yom Kippur: God is releasing you. God wants you to look to Him so that we will learn how to treat Him. You need to be a borrower not a lender. He will give you enough with you trusting him that he will bring you through. As long as you are not trusting God to take care of you are not Independent. To release. We are all indebted to man instead we should be indebted to God.

Luke 4:13

God wants us to trust in Him and not the things that we acquire over the years.

In preparation for Jubilee God promised that in the year before, the bounty and harvest would be triple so that you could be sustained

This taught Israel and each generation to trust in the promises of God and not how much wealth, money, food, you could save

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