"Treading on the Mountains," Rev. R. Scott MacLaren, 3/11/2012

'Treading on the Mountains,' Rev. R. Scott MacLaren, 3/11/2012

The prophet Micah spoke at a time much like our own. There was a housing crisis as people's homes were foreclosed by the banks, the middle class was collapsing and the poor were being crushed; the religious, political and business leadership was all corrupted. The prophet Micah spoke out against these things by first challenging their view of God: He was not just a softy in the skies, a genial gentleman who does nothing but tell us how good we are doing. No, the God of Israel was much different. Similarly today, we need to be challenged in our view of God. Watch as Pastor MacLaren speaks on God's "Treading on the Mountains," and see if he doesn't do the same today! This sermon was preached at First Presbyterian Church in Perkasie, PA (www.firstchurchopc.org) on March 11, 2012. The Rev. R. Scott MacLaren is the pastor.

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