March of the Christians

March of the Christians


This song honors the memory of brave martyrs who were willing to share in Christ’s suffering that we may know the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord as the only way of salvation!

Drum Roll: Announces the execution of believers for spreading the gospel; that of salvation through faith Jesus Christ as Messiah.

Trumpet Fanfare: Indicates the completion of the execution.

Percussive Sounds of Marching: Upon completion of the execution a Roman Guard configure a square as they march in procession from the coliseum.

Bell’s Toll: Indicates death of the martyred saints.

March of Jubilation: Risen; the martyred saints are welcomed by their savior into heaven’s Paradise. Sounds of triumphant joy are heard as the angels and heavenly hosts celebrate this courageous victory for the cause of Jesus Christ.

Written for guitar by the Ecuadorian composer Julio Mosquera.
As inspired by a dream dated 17th of July 1981

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