Day in Life of Missionaries pt 2

Day in Life of Missionaries  pt 2

This mobile mission team from Gospel for Asia takes the gospel to the unreached areas of Asia on a daily basis. Watch as they sacrifice comforts to bring salvation to many. If you would like to donate toward this ministry, a missionary can be sponsored for $30 a month, a vehicle can be purchased for $17,000 or fully equipped for $21,000. 100% of your donation goes to the mission field. Currently, 16,500 native missionaries from Gospel for Asia are serving across Asia. Nearly 30,000 churches have been planted to date! (day in the life of a missionary mobile missions team Asia planting churches unreached people groups evangelism preaching sharing the faith witnessing missionaries 1040 window 10/40 window Jesus Film 10-40 window Great Commission Gospel plant churches missions trip mission team day in the life of a missionary mobile missions team Asia planting churches unreached people groups open air evangelism preaching sharing the faith open air witnessing missionaries 1040 window 10/40 window Jesus Film 10-40 window Great Commission Gospel plant churches missions trip mission team open air preaching evangelism street witnessing) ... WWW.GFA.ORG

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