Great Commission Battlefield

Great Commission Battlefield

Watch as Jaymon, a native missionary, faces persecution on the mission field to plant a church in a region where the gospel has not yet been preached. Native missionaries are those who are from a country where they are ministering. For example, a Chinese reaching Chinese or an Indian reaching other Indians. They have many advantages over foreign missionaries: they know the language and culture, no need for a visa, no furlough, plus they live at the same economic level as those they are trying to reach. It only costs about $2,000 to fully support a missionary for one year. Native missionaries do 90% of all pioneer missions work. Please pray about supporting a native missionary. Are they not called to "Go" too? How can they go if there is no support? Visit Gospel for Asia online. ... WWW.GFA.ORG ... (great commission mission field native missionary indigenous missionary great commission persecution mission work native missionaries indigenous missionaries persecution unreached people groups India plant church ends of the earth nations world missions global missions great commission evangelism preach sacrificial living persecution great commission mission field native missionary indigenous missionary great commission persecution mission work native missionaries indigenous missionaries persecution unreached people groups India plant church ends of the earth nations world missions global missions great commission evangelism preach sacrificial living persecution great commission mission field native missionary indigenous missionary great commission persecution mission work native missionaries indigenous missionaries persecution unreached people groups India plant church ends of the earth nations world missions global missions great commission evangelism preach sacrificial living persecution) ... WWW.GFA.ORG

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