'LIVE+LOCAL' Dave Coulier Stars As Christian Radio Host In New Pureflix Series

'LIVE+LOCAL' Dave Coulier Stars As Christian Radio Host In New Pureflix Series

This trailer gives you a reason to laugh. ‘Live+Local’ has Dave Coulier as a Christian radio host in the new Pureflix series.

At the start of the trailer, we see Dave, better known as “Uncle Joey” from Full House at a radio station mic. He comically tells the team, “I’m not doing internet or social media, I’m a dinosaur and proud of it.” 

They comically argue about the fact that his co-host is not his sidekick, but his partner. The two main characters are known as Tommy and Tina running a local morning show. 

On the show, they have various real artists and comedians such as Colton Dixon, Leanne Morgan, and John Cooper from Skillet. When Tina says, “We’ve gone mega, mega-viral,” Tommy comically says, “I usually take medicine for that.” Their personalities are fun to watch on the screen. This is a series that looks like it could be a hit. 

A lot of times it can be hard to find clean comedy that is funny. This show proves to be family-friendly as well as providing many opportunities to laugh. 

I love how the actors are top quality and they have great banter. It is fun to feel like you are in a recording studio for a radio station. 

The Bible tells us that laughter is good medicine for us. (Proverbs 17:22) Our Savior has given us joy and enables us to laugh because we do not have to fear our futures, we are secure in Him. God created laughter and this show helps us enjoy His creation of humor.

"I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells securely." Psalm 16:8-9

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