Discerning Between The Three Voices You Hear in Prayer

Discerning Between The Three Voices You Hear in Prayer

Discernment The Three Origins of the Voices You Hear in Prayer

There is the potential for you to hear three different voices when you pray. One is God's, one is your's, and one is the demon's. If you just write what you hear in prayer you will in time be seriously misled.

The Scriptures tell us to test the spirits to see if they be of God. "Beloved, don't believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God I John 4

In this short video I share with you the typical ways you can be misled by voices other than God's. Each voice has a distinct character that reveals its source.

If we take the time now to discern we are avoiding heart break in the future when we learn we've been duped and made life altering decisions based on what we heard.

Thank you for listening.

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