10 Things We can do for Revival

10 Things We can do for Revival

This is my short essay on how we can seek restoration and repentance. It is not comprehensive, but includes some major sins we must end as well as some useful tools to help us.

I will soon post this in the Articles by the Author menu in the right sidebar of my holiness and reform website http://www.holinessofthebride.com. We are not helpless victims of sin, brothers. There are real things we must do.

You can read the full text of this piece on our pdf here: http://www.holinessofthebride.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/10-Things-We-can-do-for-Revival.pdf

To support our work towards holiness and reform in the Body of Messiah and in the greater community you can go here: http://www.holinessofthebride.com/donate-2

Feel free to write me anytime at: kodeshkallah@yahoo.com

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