Even After September 11th, Yet My Redeemer Lives

Even After September 11th, Yet My Redeemer Lives

Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001, I was preparing to fly to Colorado to support a conference our mission was hosting there, when instead, I found myself desperately trying to make sense of the shocking events of that morning that shook the entire planet. Earlier that year, I had stumbled across Nicole C. Mullins song on-line and had a download of it on my computer. For some reason, that morning her song found its way into my edit timeline, and as I assembled some of those tragic images over the next couple days, juxtaposed on that same timeline, I found that the Nicole Mullins song became for me a resounding testimony, not only to the sovereignty of our Redeemer, but to His resurrected presence in our lives. That Sunday, we had more people packed into our church than on any Easter Sunday, before or since. We showed the video that Sunday and it began to take on a life of its own. People got video copies of our services, extracted the video clip and began to send it to friends and family all over the country. By the following Sunday we were getting word of it showing in many other churches across America, and we even heard of a couple of copies ending up in the White House.

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