'Never Again Is Now' - by Christian Band I Am Spartacus

'Never Again Is Now' - by Christian Band I Am Spartacus

I Am Spartacus is a Christian band from Tennessee. The band is made up of Ben Peeples on lead vocals and guitar, Michael Segarra on backing vocals and Bass, and Brady Ridings on Drums and backing vocals. "I Am Spartacus" has shared the stage with such artists as… Jeremy Camp, Building 429, Superchick, and Group One Crew. They came into the national spotlight when they were featured singing their song, 'Never Again is Now' on the Glenn Beck program.

In their powerful anthem, Never Again is Now, they call people into action to stand up for what is right.

The lyrics begin,

remember when we all cried out
never again will the world’s good men shrink back while evil abounds
never again is now
remember when they took their towns
innocent men never seen again until the smoke stained the clouds
never again is now
If not us, then who?
If not now, then when?
Never again

And they continue with,
Evil has a new face now
soaking the sand with the blood of man
if he refuses to bow
never again is now

They remind us that we are all responsible for helping others and that if we do not, we will be the one needing help one day, but there will be nobody there to help us either.

we think we are immune somehow
so we ignore till they're at our door and there’s no help to be found
never again is now

These powerful lyrics and beautiful harmonies combine to make an impactful reminder of our role in society as Christians!

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