Nothing Can Separate us From His Love

Nothing Can Separate us From His Love

Nothing can separate us from the Love of Jesus. He is beside us in all circumstances. Even when we feel most alienated He is at our right hand protecting, covering, advising, and loving us dearly.

We walk in darkness on this earth until He delivers us into the kingdom of His light. This is a song about the Lord's continual presence as we pass through this world so heavy with darkness.

No matter what we have done, He is always ready to forgive us, and give us a new start. The enemy however, liar that he is, is quick to condemn us and weight us down heavily with guilt and condemnation.

This song has a rather mysterious character which reflects the mystery of God's continual presence with us, even though we are His creation, mere humans, He has humbled Himself and lowered Himself to accompany us in this journey. Though He holds the very stars in the the Heavens and the planets in orbit, He has nothing but time and love for His children. Because He is omnipotent He can be with each one of us, fully engaged with us all at the very same time.

Once I saw a ballroom full of Brides dancing with their Jesus. It was a Heavenly celebration but brought to mind His omnipresence and that He is taken with every one of us, as if we were the only ones on this earth that ever mattered to Him.

He will take us out of the darkness if we grasp His hand and walk in obedience with Him. Never again will we feel lost and alienated, we will always have a deep peace that nothing can touch because He is present to us, deeply committed, deeply in love, and always approachable.

He longs to speak with us more than we long to hear from Him. Because of that He has guided us and given us many teachings and instructions about how to foster this kind of relationship with Him.

Thank you for listening.

Romans 8:38 & 39

…38For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels

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