'Broke' - Riley Clemmons Acoustic Performance

'Broke' - Riley Clemmons Acoustic Performance

‘With You, I don't need to hide

That I'm a little broke inside
You love me when I'm broke inside
'Cause You see my light
Even in my darkest times
You love me when I'm broke inside’

Despite all of our brokenness and sins, God still loves us. There may be periods in our lives where we may feel lost or distant from the Lord. There may even be things happening around us that are working to tear apart our relationship with God. But even in these dark moments, it’s so incredibly important to remember that He is always by our side and will never abandon us. God is truly our light, our strength and the compass that will always be there to guide us home.

You are sure to be reminded of this as you listen to the powerful lyrics of ‘Broke’ from Riley Clemmons. He sees past all of our faults and loves us just the same. God made the ultimate sacrifice for us when He sent His only Son down to Earth to die for our sins. Because of that sacrifice, we are now all forgiven and free of our chains. God truly set us free.

I am so thankful each and every day for that sacrifice. Now, we are all free to live out our days in Heaven. These words from Riley Clemmons are the perfect way to give praise to His name. Who else wants to join their voices together and sing out loud for all the hear?

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