Missionary enables an African boy to walk

Missionary enables an African boy to walk

In my experience, most times in life you let God lead and you follow trusting that you are doing His will, and in other rare special times it becomes so obvious that God used you for a specific purpose. This trip to Africa had one of those moments when, out of the blue, the purpose for being there became crystal clear.

There is a little boy who lives in the village of Kimini and is cared for by his grandfather and extended family after being abandoned by his mother due to being born with physical problems causing difficulty walking and using his arms. When I arrived in the village I made a time to go visit him and after seeing him, I began to think about what could possibly help him support and steady himself enough to stand and walk. I had purchased some plastic pipes and fittings for another project and my mind went to imagining what I could make with them which may help. I put together a design idea in my head, pulled out the hack saw and started in cutting and fitting pieces together. The result was a light weight plastic walker which I prayed would help.
I went to visit him with the walker and after a couple tries, I witnessed a miracle as he steadied himself, got the hang of it and started actually walking with it! I praised God and cheered him on with tears of joy rolling down my cheeks! I returned two days later and watched as he maneuvered around quickly and saw the hope of a new life for him. Because of God, because of love and because a plastic pipe walker.

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