Top commander in the Iranian military reiterates the country’s commitment to the full annihilation of Israel (SCWU #109)

Top commander in the Iranian military reiterates the country’s commitment to the full annihilation of Israel (SCWU #109)

Date: June 7, 2013

By: Daniel Whyte III

Description: Top commander in the Iranian military reiterates the country's committment to the full annihilation of Israel. According to Fars News Agency, chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Has-san Fi-rou-za-ba-di, said threats and pressures cannot deter Iran from its revolutionary causes and ideals, and stressed that the Iranian nation will remain committed to the full annihilation of the Zionist regime of Israel. Addressing a defense gathering in Tehran on Sunday, General Fi-rou-za-ba-di said that nations should realize the 'threats and dangers posed by the Zionist regime of Israel.' He also reiterated the Iranian nation and Supreme Leader's emphasis on the necessity of support for Palestinian nation and its causes.

Netanyahu says there is no evidence that Iran intends to halt its nuclear program. According to the Associated Press, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he is skeptical that Iran will agree to halt its nuclear program, accusing Tehran of playing a "chess game" with the international community. Just days ahead of a crucial round of nuclear talks with Tehran, Netanyahu said "nothing would be better than to just see this issue solved diplomatically. But I have to say I see no evidence whatsoever that Iran is serious about ending its nuclear program."

The U.S. is considering adding Nigeria's Boko Haram to terror watch list. According to Yahoo News,

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