There Is More To Life Than This - Suicide

There Is More To Life Than This - Suicide

Sometimes life deals us $%!. Abuse, sexual molestation, depression, poverty, sickness... the list goes on. When these things are thrown our direction we have two choices... either give up and throw in the towel or we can fight. We can take our insecurities and our hurts and our pains and turn them around. My weaknesses, those things that everyone else labels in my life as a weakness that is, can be my greatest strengths. It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when we are stuck in a cold dark room.... but even though we may think that there is no hope and no chance of something better there is. This video is to encourage and empower people... suicide isn't the answer... a gun, pills, a rope, jumping off of something or out of a car these are not the answer. please don't do it there is so much more to life than this.

- geoffrey nighswonger

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