NEW WORLDVIEW 911 pt.2 - The Twin Towers (2c.)

NEW WORLDVIEW 911 pt.2 - The Twin Towers (2c.)

I know how horrible it is to find out the truth about this for the first time. Eventually, you will learn to cope with the truth and want to do something about it. So please help by showing this video to your loved ones. We can stop these tyrants before they become even more successful in their agenda. Things are much worse than people want to believe and we need to get the truth out to as many people as possible. "WE THE PEOPLE" have the power through CHRIST JESUS to restore Biblical morality and constitutional freedom to our nation! "WE THE PEOPLE" are the government of the United States and the constitution is our law. Therefore, any law that cotradicts the constitution is unlawful and must be overturned. The Bible was taken out of our schools illegaly and now every succeeding generation grows up more indoctrinated by the STATE than the previous! But, unfortunately, people do not want to face the truth. The truth that there IS a secret occult organization working within and throughout the highest levels our government, the CIA, the media, our military, the FDA, our medical community, the pharmaceutical industry, our environmental protection agencies, and in our CENTRAL BANK, commonly known by its deceitful name, the FEDERAL RESERVE. The Federal Reserve is not "federal" nor is it a "reserve"! (Google search and watch "America: Freedom to Facism") They print our money yet they are accountable to absolutely no one! So, as I continue uploading NEW WORLDVIEW 911, you will see a small portion of the vast amount of supressed evidence to substanciate my claims. I am doing this to educate people in the suppressed truth in order to combat against it. If people are not aware of danger then they will not protect themselves from it. Let's not forget that throughout history the minority is usualy the persected who know the truth. (Noah,Jesus,David,Columbus,Galilao ect.) While the majority is decieved. And we ARE in danger! Danger from things far worse than the Muslim Jihad!

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