Daily devotional: powerful prayer against sickness, disease, and COVID virus

Daily devotional: powerful prayer  against sickness, disease, and COVID virus

Visit Father's Voice Prophetic: https://fathersvoiceprophetic.com/ and leave a prayer request. We will design a prophetic prayer for you and pray with and for you until the prayer is answered and you see God move on your behalf.

Powerful prayer for foundation and solid position: Psalm 91

Father, you are good and your love endures today and forever. I rest in the shadow of the Almighty because I dwell in the shelter of the Most High. I say of my God, that He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Father, you save me from hunger, sickness, and every other authority who seeks to do me harm. You save me Father from every trap set to snare me. The feathers of your wings are my cover and I find refuge under your wings God. Father, your faithfulness is my shield and rampart. I do not fear any dangers of the night nor the epidemics which I cannot see, nor the sickness and disease in plain sight. A thousand may fall by my side, or ten thousand by my right hand but I know you shall keep them from me, and will not allow them to even come near me. I know I shall not experience the punishment of the wicked but will see it, because I am your righteousness and am found to be in Christ Jesus. The Lord is my God and my refuge. God, you are the Most High and you are my dwelling place, therefore no harm will overtake me, nor will disaster even come near my household. Father, you have given your angels charge over me to guard me in all my ways. Your angels save me from troubles and pain and remove things which seek to hurt me. Even the most violent cannot harm me because you have trampled them under your feet. I love you Father, my God, and trust you to rescue me, and protect me. I acknowledge your name Father, and I call on you because I know my words are sweet to your ear and you answer my prayers. Father, when I do experience trouble I do not fear because you are with me at all times, you deliver me and bring honor to me. The Lord God Almighty is my refuge, my shield, my mighty fortress, my God who shall give me a long and satisfying life, because you my Father have shown me salvation. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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We are here to help and are available for pastoral counseling, help with bible study, prayer, and your relationship with God. There is no need for you to have unanswered questions, and there is no need for you to think God is mad at you, or is withholding Himself from you. He would not leave you without answers.

Don't hesitate to contact us for anything you need!

Many blessings and much love
Pastor David

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