Cliche 01 - Power Corrupts? - What Saith the Scripture?

Cliche 01 - Power Corrupts? - What Saith the Scripture?

Berean Research Institute documentary videos provide hard hitting Biblical truth that refutes cults and false doctrines in the church. "Cliche 01 - Power Corrupts? - What Saith the Scripture?" uses solid research, scripture, love for people and for the truth, and sound, logical reason to lead people to Jesus Christ. This documentary video reasons through this common cliche to determine whether the cliche is true, logical and scriptural. It considers the source of corruption - sin - talks about Noah, Lot, and Sodom and Gormorrha, and our own lives in these last days along the way of repentance to salvation. We pray that the truth and final authority of scripture will resonate from this video into your life.

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