Adoptive Parents Meet Their Son After 4 Years Of Waiting

Adoptive Parents Meet Their Son After 4 Years Of Waiting

It is a very exciting day for this sweet couple. After years of waiting, they finally get to meet their baby for the very first time. These two have been trying to adopt a baby for the past four years. But even as time went on with no call, they did not give up hope.

They knew in their hearts that they would eventually have a baby to adopt and God's timing would be perfect. That's when, out of the blue, they received the phone call they had been waiting on that there was a baby boy for them to adopt. They rushed to the hospital to find a beautiful newborn waiting for his new parents. As soon as they got sight of him, tears began to stream down their faces.

It's obvious that these new parents are so in love with this sweet child and he will be well taken care of. Baby Ezekiel is so blessed to have a loving family, and his family is so blessed to have him. What an amazing moment all caught on camera!

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