Social Media Marketing Guide - Phase 3 Twitter 2 - Video 5 of 8

Social Media Marketing Guide - Phase 3 Twitter 2 - Video 5 of 8 is a free and comprehensive course on attraction marketing through personal branding. It features a 28 page slide presentation with active links for assistance and clarity, along with eight (8) instructional videos detailing each step with examples. Learn effective and current internet marketing strategies from Jasper Silvis, who uses these exact online marketing techniques to promote his successful internet home based business, his growing real estate investing company and monthly REI class, and his popular fitness and self defense programs.

\nThis particular video, 5 of 8, presents Phase 3 Part 2 which is the second part of the Enhanced Twitter phase. This phase instructs the entrepreneur on Twitter feeds using two great feed sites, and Advanced Twitter search techniques are shown to focus on a targetted tweet category without capturing someone else's spam. The video finishes up with a cool regular expression trick using Textpad that allows the marketer to take a large group of automated tweets, such as jokes or inpirational quotes, and instantly format them for Tweet Later (now Social Oomph) automated tweet tool.

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