3 of 5 - Attack of Killer C's- Compromising Christian- Billy Crone

3 of 5 - Attack of Killer C's- Compromising Christian- Billy Crone

What if I were to tell you that I know of a disaster that makes the Titanic look like chump change? And what if I were to tell you that this disaster didn't occur in just one place in one night, but it's going on right now today and it's been leaving a trail of death and destruction for centuries. This disaster is none other than The Attack of the Killer C's. People of God, the American Church desperately needs to go to war and fight the internal enemy of our souls, satan. Why? Because whether you feel it, see it, or believe it or not, the moment you got saved you entered a spiritual war against a demonic host whose sole purpose is to destroy you and extinguish your effectiveness for Jesus Christ. Therefore, The Attack of the Killer C's is a series revealing this cosmic battle we're in and exposes the seductive weapons the devil uses to keep us from becoming a mighty army for God Almighty. These attacks are as follows. The Attack of the Casual Christian, the Cultural Christian, the Compromising Christian, the Corruptive Christian, and the Counterfeit Christian. People of God, there's a war going on and its not just abroad but its right here in our own country. It's a cosmic battle for the souls of men and women all around us. The stakes are high and millions of lives are at risk. And if we're ever going to win this war then the American Church needs to once again shine for Jesus Christ. People, the alarm has been sounded. We are under attack! The Attack of the Killer C's. Don't let the enemy get you!

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