Will You Receive This Splinter From My Cross? & When is Prayer Fervent??

Will You Receive This Splinter From My Cross? & When is Prayer Fervent??

Will You Receive This Splinter From My Cross? and

What is Fervent Prayer?

In my last video, When God is Quiet and It's Not Your Fault, we touched on two concepts that I feel the Holy Spirit wants me to go deeper with.

The first one is the meaning the Lord's instruction to those who would follow Him, "Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me." I believe this entails participation with Jesus in His Cross, the One He still carries as long as sin abounds on the earth and there is suffering.

I believe that when there are 'no more tears' there will be no more crosses. But this is a season of suffering for Earth and all her inhabitants and the Lord's heart is ever so tender, He grieves every time one of His creations suffers, even down to the plants, animals and critters of Earth He created.

As His Beloved Bride, He sometimes calls us to comfort Him in His trials with the suffering on this earth. And sometimes, that comfort entails receiving lovingly a splinter from His very own cross.

What wife would abandon her husband when he was suffering? Certainly not the faithful Bride Jesus has called to be His own, and for those of us who are married, how many times have we shouldered the burden of our spouses and did all in our power to alleviate their suffering?

Surely the Blessed and Holy Bride of Christ is at His side at all times.

And the second concept that Holy Spirit quickened to me was, what qualifies as fervent prayer?

I was quite surprised when He illuminated this to me but in retrospect I see the wisdom of it and will be doing a teaching on this very subject in the near future.

Thank you for tuning into our channel and the Lord bless you all with His sweet presence.


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