Spiritual Dryness, 2 of 2, Heaven Talk

Spiritual Dryness, 2 of 2, Heaven Talk

Spiritual Dryness 2 of 2

Sometimes when we have grown very, very close to the Lord and have had the great privilege of hearing and seeing Him spiritually, sometimes, He unexpectedly draws away in the sense that we can no longer sense His presence. Spiritual Dryness

At those times we are being tried like fire tried gold and He wants to see how truly devoted to Him we are. Do we draw away from Him, cut our prayer times shorter, make more and more decisions independently, not seeking His perfect will? Indulge in things we know from the past are not His best for us?

Do we come under condemnation because He seems silent? Do we believe the Devil's lies that God has deserted us? Or do we stand steadfast in faith, patiently awaiting the time of His return to our sensible presence? Spiritual Dryness

Do we condemn ourselves unjustly and assign all kinds of motives as to why He is so quiet? Well, indeed, sometimes He is quiet because He is trying to get our attention about something in us that needs to go.

He isn't deserting us, no He's causing us to go deeper, look deeper as well as trying our devotion to Him to see just how faithful we will be when we can't feel Him.

In this video we share with you from a combined experience of over 60 years, the many, many ways in which we deserve these times of desolation and in the times when it is not about getting our attention to correct our course, rather it is a trial of patience to refine His golden vessels even more.

And we reassure you, it is not about punishment, but love. He loves us so much He wants us to grow purer and purer in our love for Him…which inevitably leads to the greatest happiness on Earth a Christian can know.

We hope and pray this two part video will help you come to a peace about the dry desert times when Jesus seems so far away. We hope and pray it will give you the courage to persevere and we share with you quite c

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