A SILENT "Christian" is a Dead Christian

A SILENT 'Christian' is a Dead Christian

Silent "Christians" go to hell forever. We care for your soul. Study notes here https://goo.gl/t4ii4u. Most all who call themselves Christians in America will be thrown into hell. They’re rebellious towards the Word of God and when someone rebukes them they say, “thou shall not judge.” Call someone to repentance and holiness, as commanded, and it's almost always the same response.

The lie of Imputed Righteousness https://goo.gl/2CAkyB

God does not hear sinners https://goo.gl/wNFLZv

Jesus is NOT a friend of sinners https://goo.gl/tdbd8A

The "Romans 7 Wretch" and "saved in sin" lie https://goo.gl/rC5Ha2

A Christian has NO "filthy rags"! https://goo.gl/15VNZe

If you are a silent "Christian", repent, and go to "The Way to The Cross" study here https://goo.gl/Qetm4H.

Then read What is Biblical Perfection https://goo.gl/vepJ4P.

A HIGHLY RECOMMEND book for Christians to read to help understand how the OT was a foreshadow of the NT and how harmonious they truly are https://goo.gl/ESgx7z

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