Sport Your Story

Sport Your Story


What battles have you fought? What obstacles have you overcome? How has God molded you through these circumstances? How has He given you strength and grace through it all?

Your story is a testimony that the Lord has given you to share with others. It is personal, yet powerful enough to have the ability to change hearts.

This is what Jesus did. He changed people's lives by reminding them who they truly are in Christ. That simple act of love changed their lives forever! He gave them new stories ... stories of redemption and purpose; stories of love and grace; stories of forgiveness and healing!

You have a story to share of what God has done in your life. And I just bet God has given you a verse of scripture relating to that story. A verse that encourages you and gives you the confidence to declare "this is who I AM and this is my story"!

Maybe God has told you that “You are strong and courageous” (Josh 1:9), or “You are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), or “All things work together for your good” (Rom 8:28)?

Whichever verse it may be … you have a story and a promise of God to share.

So … let’s proclaim these promises loud and clear! Let’s share our stories of what God has done for us and how He has revealed His power, love, and truth in our lives!

Go ahead …"Sport Your Story”!

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