A NewDawn is Born..

A NewDawn is Born..


By Rooma Mehra

When dreams are done
and the night stretches on
Murdered moments, minutes, hours
but the night stretches on..

Dragging feet trying to escape
- Nothing â tags along â heavy
Memories erased, so long ago
but â nothing â tags along â heavy

Covered an inch, a foot, a step
and dawn is miles away
on the other side of the mountain
Dawn is m i l e s away

Fall, lie back, conjure up a vision
but memories have been erased
When the end began its stumbling journey
All memories were erased

Get up, go, another step
The night must be spent
Dawn lies at the end of night
The night must be spent
Give up, surrender to the night within
but sleep is blanked out past
The day is miles, mountains away
and sleep is blanked out past

Draw an illusion with heartburn
on the canvas of the night
But ashes mingle with ashes
on the canvas of the night

Night falls heavy on lidless eyes
Glowing embers from the fire within
Look into a mirror to see two suns
Glowing embers from the fire within

And a dawn
is born
from the ashes
of dreams

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