Peace of A Dream # 22 by Charlene Rice

Peace of A Dream # 22  by Charlene Rice

Charlene Rice painting the good news.Music my David Cowder band.You are glorious .2nd Peter 1: 3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Be inspired and encouraged God has your back and he will never let you down. No never. : D. Peace love and Art.

Catch me painting live on Bog T.V. Peace love and Art. at 11:00 am every Weds. I will be playing Christion worship music,rock,rap, and painting of course and I can answer all you painting and video questions. Don't be shy pop on in at WWW.BLOGTV.COM/PEOPEL/PEACELOVEANDART. and comment you don't even have to register to comment. Yea .

Be Bless .

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