Children's Sermon on Jesus' Temptation

Children's Sermon on Jesus' Temptation

Kids can understand the Temptation of Jesus. Use this object lesson to explain Matthew 4:1-11 during the children's moment in your church on Sunday, March 1, 2020. Watch the example video and print the teaching notes below.

Children’s Message: Not by Bread Alone - The Temptation of Jesus

Main Objective: Young children might not be tempted by some of the same things that adults experience, but they can certainly understand the difficulty in doing what they should. The focus of this message is to briefly describe the concept of temptation, and to offer kids positive things on which to focus.

Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus lived a life free from sin, but He was still tempted by Satan. Wanting to do wrong is not always bad, as long as we don’t fall sway to the temptation. Because Jesus went through temptation and overcame it, He is able to sympathize with our struggles and help in times of trouble.

Optional Materials: Some kind of treat or “tempting” item (edible or otherwise); list of rules (optional).

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