The I Am, by Howard Bell

The I Am, by Howard Bell

In mid to late April of 2012, I found myself at a point in life where I almost wanted to give up. It seemed like everything that could go wrong was choosing to go wrong all at the same time. My life, and my relationship with God, was not at all where I needed it to be. In fact, it felt like I was sinking.

One day I happened to be watching Christian television with my mother and a friend. Joyce Meyers was on and I do not recall the title of her message, but I do recall that during that message something she said came alive. I had heard the words before, but today (on that day) those words met more to me than ever. Joyce began to talk about when Moses was sent to Pharaoh. Moses asked God, "Who shall I say has sent me?" God answered, "Tell them The I Am". Joyce went on to explain that God is whatever we need Him to be at the exact time we need Him to be that. She stated, "the reason He did not say 'The I Was' or 'The I Will Be' is because God is our present help."

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