
Songs About The Resurrection: Top Ten List

February 05, 2013

Songs About The Resurrection: Top Ten List

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most prominent moment in history.  When Christ was resurrected from the grave, He overcame death and defeated Satan forever.  “O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:15)  Many great songs have been written about Christ resurrected.  Here are my top 10 favorites.

10.  Reuben Morgan, My Redeemer Lives

This is a very lively and upbeat gospel song that brings the joy right out of you.  It was released on Hillsong’s album, By Your Side.

Favorite Lyric – “I know He rescued my soul.  His blood has covered my sins. I believe.  I believe.”

9.  Matt Maher, Christ is Risen

This is a wonderful contemporary song about the resurrection released on the album, Alive Again, on September 22, 2009.  It talks about Christ, but also about us and how we come alive when we accept Christ.

Favorite Lyric – “Christ is risen from the dead; we are one with Him again.  Come awake! Come awake! Come and rise up from the grave.”

8.  Matt Redman,You Alone Can Rescue

This beautiful praise song is about how we will be resurrected into eternal glory when we leave this earth.  This song was released on his seventh album, We Shall not be Shaken, on August 25, 2009.

Favorite Lyric – “You alone can rescue.  You alone can save.  You alone can lift us from the grave.  You came down to find us.  Led us out of death.  To you alone belongs the highest praise.”

He came down to find us!  What an awesome Savior!

7. George Bennard, The Old Rugged Cross

This somber, melancholy hymn was composed in 1913 and its lyrics seem to strike you deep in your soul.  The cross was rugged and Christ loved us enough to die on it.

Favorite Lyric – “O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a wondrous attraction for me; for the dear Lamb of God left His glory above to bear it to dark Calvary.”

6.  Impending Doom, Death, Ascension, Resurrection 

This is a very heavy song from a group of men that trust completely in the Lord.  It was released on the album, Baptized in Filth, on March 13, 2012.  The title of the album “represents the mindless indulgence and self-worship in the vile world we live in.” (Bassist, David Sittig)

Favorite Lyric – “Follow, Him to the kingdom of heaven where pain and suffering cease to exist.  Death, ascension, resurrection!”

Bonus Lyric – “The Devil isn't the king of hell.  He's just the chief prisoner that fell with the world wrapped around his finger.”

5.  Sidewalk Prophets, You Love me Anyway

This very heartfelt song, released on These Simple Truths on August 25, 2009, is about how Jesus loves us no matter what we have done.  I have included it because of the bridge portion of the song.

Favorite Lyric – “See now, I am the man who yelled out from the crowd for Your blood to be spilled on this earth shaking ground.  Yes then, I turned away with this smile on my face, with this sin in my heart tried to bury Your grace, and then alone in the night I still called out for You,

so ashamed of my life, my life, my life.”

We can’t bury the grace of Jesus.  His death and resurrection has saved us already.

4.  Theocracy, I Am

This is a power metal song released on, As the World Bleeds, on November 21, 2011.   Matt Smith, the singer, has an amazing voice and his operatic vocals make this 11 minute song a masterpiece.  It is sung from God’s point of view and He is simply saying all of the things that He is, including being resurrected.

Favorite Lyric – “I Am the resurrection and the life, the doorway and the vine, I Am.”

Bonus Lyric – “I am your covenant - your Hero in these bloodstained pages.  I am your guild, your sin, your debt fulfilled for all the ages.  I step into your shoes, your substitute, your sacrifice, your raison d'etre, your second chance, your breath of life, I AM.”

3.  William Newell, At Calvary 

This is another great hymn written in 1895.  It talks about how we have been pardoned from eternal death in hell because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Favorite Lyric – “Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan!  Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!  Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary!”

2.  Chris Tomlin, I Will Rise

This is a beautiful song, released on Hello Love, on September 2, 2008, written about how Christ has defeated the grave and how we will rise when He calls us when we leave this world behind.  We will reign with Christ forever!

Favorite Lyric – “Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed.  The victory is won.  He is risen from the dead.”

1.  Casting Crowns, Glorious Day 

This motivating song was released on, Until the Whole World Hears, on November 17, 2009.  It showcases the love of Christ as he lived, died and rose from the grave for us.

Favorite Lyric – “Living He loved me, dying He saved me and buried He carried my sins far away.

Rising He justified freely forever.  One day He's coming.  Oh glorious day!  Oh glorious day!”


These are my top ten favorite songs about the resurrection of Christ.  There is power in the resurrection, for Christ’s blood has indeed covered humanity’s sins.  Praise His Name!  God bless!

Resources-  www.youtube.com,The Holy Bible, English Standard Version“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”, photo credit: coliedog mac via photopin cc


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