Words of Wisdom 1

Words of Wisdom 1

I know many people who have a goal of being the best. And I'm just going to say it.. it's a weird goal... mostly because it's very hard to measure, almost impossible to obtain, hard to maintain, and the bulk of people who subscribe to this have to spend a lot of time pretending it's true in a world of social media that constantly reminds them it's not.

Why not just have a great life?

Maybe figure out what you think being the best is going to get for you...
It's a large world full of talented and beautiful people. Instead of fighting a losing battle, go and live. Enjoy creation, have fun with your loved ones, and do excellent work.
smile emoticon

And if when you get to heaven, God lets you know that you did indeed have the best sock collection...props to you, friend
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And, on the flip side, if you live in a fairly small social circle where you are the best at "fill in the blank" Are you making an idol of it and are you standing in the way of God's calling on your life? You might be called to be more than the "funny one" or the "artsy one" or the "musical one" or the "sporty one".

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