Bishop Wisor Introduces His Book 'Battling a Life of Pseudo-Depression' Study Guide to Philippians 4:13

Bishop Wisor Introduces His Book 'Battling a Life of Pseudo-Depression'  Study Guide to Philippians 4:13

In this first in-depth study guide that Bishop Wisor is making publicly available, he teaches that "depression" does not exist. It does not appear in the Word of God. It is a false label.

God calls it "sadness" or "sorrow". Man has created a false label for it. Man and psychotropic drugs do not offer a solution. God offers a solution. It is called His Son, Jesus Christ.

Bishop Wisor is the founder of the Pennsylvania Chapter of Christians Against Psychiatric Abuse (CAPA).

Call or write to Bishop Wisor for more information about CAPA and how to get involved.

Bishop Jack Wisor
14530 Rt. 28
Brockway, PA 15824

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