Ebola--A Strong Response

Ebola--A Strong Response

Our bodies' remarkable immune systems are one of the many good gifts from our Creator. We are truly "fearfully and wonderfully made"! (Psalm 139:14) Daily we are bombarded by toxins, bacteria, chemicals, and viruses that left unchecked, can do significant harm. Like a highly skilled and resilient military platoon, our immune systems act, respond and fight 24/7 with the goal of keeping us not just alive, but in good health.

The ebola virus appears to be a particularly virulent foe and it's making constant headlines worldwide. The news will continue to come fast and furious over the coming days with often conflicting information, so we will do our part to to bring a balanced perspective on what is being reported. Look for more frequent HealthAlerts on this important topic coming to your inbox.

Tune in to today's episode as we'll discuss practical (and free!) steps you can take now to sharpen, strengthen and bolster your immune system and the immune systems of those you love.

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