Caleb leaves a life with everything for the sake of the Gospel. He used to have a managerial position in a big factory. Now he serves the Lord by evangelizing and planting churches in unreached places of the 10/40 window. Pastor Caleb also trains up new missionaries. Caleb is one of 16,500 native missionaries sent by Gospel for Asia to plant churches among the most unreached. Native missionaries already know the language, culture, they have a heart to see their own people reached with the gospel, and they only require about $2,000 a year to be fully supported. Compare this to a typical western missionary who requires $50,000 a year. Native missionaries do 90% of all pioneer missions work. Please consider sponsoring a native missionary today for only $30 a month. You can have a greater impact than you know. God bless you. WWW.GFA.ORG (India missionary service called to reach the lost win souls India Asia 10/40 window India forsaking this world evangelizing the lost planting churches in India missionary training missions service India missions work mission trip India)

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